Environmental Health & Safety


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Palmer E 222

Issues related to Workers’ Compensation, workplace safety, emergency plans and hazardous waste disposal.

Environmental Policy Statement

References: 40 CFR (US EPA Regulations); Florida Environmental Statutes; FAC Ch. 62.

Policy/Purpose: To articulate New College of Florida (NCF) policy concerning the adoption of Environmental Health and Safety Standards towards the protection of environmental resources, preservation of the campus natural areas as appropriate, and compliance with state and federal environmental laws and regulations.

New College (NCF) is committed to a learning and employment environment where faculty, staff and students are protected from the risk of injuries as a result of being exposed to health hazards associated with exposures to adverse environmental factors and non-compliance with applicable regulations. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and other state and local jurisdictions have the authority to enforce environmental compliance on the New College Campus.

To establish and maintain a system of Environmental Health and Safety rules, the leadership of New College will develop procedures, and oversee compliance via inspections, program development, and training.  It is a condition of employment that supervisors and employees abide by the New College Adopted Standards in carrying out assigned duties on a daily basis. Training and information will be provided by the respective College departments. Mechanisms for reporting hazards, auditing incidents, and performing corrective actions will be established and aggressively utilized. The NCF Department of Environmental Health and Safety will assist the applicable departments by overseeing the proper implementation of the NCF Adopted Standards and assisting in the enforcement of the policies.

Safety Policy Statement

Authority: Governor’s Executive Order 2000-292, September 25, 2000; Florida Statutes, Chapter 284.50(1)(a); Florida Statutes, Chapter 440.1025.

References: 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA) General Industry Standards (Current revision) 29 CFR 1926 (OSHA) Construction Standards (Current revision)

NIOSH/CDC (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health/Centers for Disease Control) Research and Information Publications

Policy/Purpose: To articulate New College of Florida (NCF) policy concerning the adoption of Safety Standards.

New College of Florida is committed to a learning and employment environment where faculty, staff and students are protected from the risk of injuries as a result of being exposed to health and safety hazards. A fundamental precept of the health and safety discipline is to eliminate, where possible, exposure of staff and students to hazards.

Where hazards still exist, worksite hazard assessments shall be conducted and minimum safety standards developed to allow employees to carry out assigned tasks and avoid injury.

Currently, the minimum health and safety standards are the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. In Florida, as well as all of the United States, OSHA enforces occupational standards and demands compliance by private sector employers. By its own rules, OSHA is prohibited from enforcing its standards in state public sector entities. To establish and maintain a system of Environmental Health and Safety rules, the leadership of New College of Florida adopts the current Federal OSHA General Industry Standards, 29 CFR 1910, and OSHA Construction Standards, 29 CFR 1926, where applicable, and implements a program of seeking compliance with those rules. For clarity, these standards will be referred to as “NCF Adopted Safety Standards.” It is a condition of employment that supervisors and employees abide by the NCF Adopted Safety Standards in carrying out assigned duties on a daily basis. Appropriate training, tools, and protective equipment will be provided by the respective College Departments. Mechanisms for reporting hazards, auditing incidents, and performing corrective actions will be established and aggressively utilized. The NCF Department of Environmental Health and Safety will assist the applicable departments by overseeing the proper development and implementation of the NCF Adopted Safety Standards and assisting in the enforcement of the policies.

Yosef Shapiro

Director of Environmental Health & Safety

Director of Emergency Management

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Cook Hall 210


COH 108


These summaries provide for general information purposes only, and cannot be relied on to provide a thorough understanding of the policies or coverage available. Each policy will have detailed provisions and requirements for coverage, premiums, claims, deductibles and other considerations that are not presented here. Insurance policies are subject to frequent changes in terms and conditions. Please contact the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Yosef Shapiro if you need information or have questions about any of these policies.


This coverage is provided by the Division of Risk Management (DRM). The policy covers liability for accidents caused by an officer, employee, or officially recognized volunteer (registered through the Office of Human Resources) while operating a motor vehicle in the course and scope of his/her employment or official duties. University departments should ensure that authorized drivers possess a current valid driver’s license. DRM has cautioned that students, acting in that capacity, are not covered by this policy. However, student employees are considered “employees” and would be covered while acting within the course and scope of their employment.

This policy does not cover damage to University-owned vehicles or damages to personal vehicles being driven on official University business. The University driver must pursue damages to his/her vehicle with their personal insurance carrier. To ensure personal insurance is adequate, DRM suggests the employee notify their automobile insurance carrier that the vehicle is used for business purposes and of DRM’s liability coverage.

Fleet Automobile Liability Certificate of Coverage


This coverage is provided by the Division of Risk Management (DRM). The policy protects the University from obligations for damages for injury or loss of property, personal injury, or death caused by a negligent or wrongful act or omission of an officer, employee, or officially recognized volunteer (registered through the Office of Human Resources) while acting within the scope of his/her office or employment. DRM has cautioned that students, acting in that capacity, are not covered by this policy. However, student employees are considered “employees” and would be covered while acting within the course and scope of their employment.

General Liability Certificate of Coverage


This Program provides federal civil rights and employment discrimination claims coverage through the State Risk Management Trust Fund. This coverage includes:

  • Federal civil rights actions filed under 42 U.S.C. 1983 (and other similar federal statutes)
  • Plaintiff attorney fees/awards (where so provided by the covered federal statutes) • Employment discrimination actions filed under 42 U.S.C. 2000e, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act • The Civil Rights Act of 1991
  • Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, and other similar employment discrimination acts and statutes

Federal Civil Rights Liability and Employment Discrimination Certificate of Coverage

Workers’ Compensation

The Bureau of State Employee Workers’ Compensation Claims is responsible for adjusting claims for state employees who are injured on the job. This includes payment of medical, indemnity, and death benefits; determination of compensability; and litigation management of workers’ compensation claims.

State Employee Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Certificate of Coverage


This program provides coverage for court-awarded attorney fees in accordance with the Court Awarded Attorney Fees Certificate of Coverage. This coverage pays on behalf of the state, court-awarded attorney fees and costs in other proceedings (for which coverage is not afforded under s. 284.30, Florida Statues), in which the state is not a prevailing party. Risk Management has the right to participate in the defense of any suit or appeal with the respect to the payment of attorney fees.

Court-Awarded Attorney Fees Certificate of Coverage

Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for creating the framework within which New College of Florida reduces vulnerability to hazards and deals with disasters.

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